How do I Refund/Void in the Paystri Gateway?

In order to refund or void a transaction in the Paystri Gateway, you will need to locate the original transaction that needs to be corrected. After logging in, go to Reports > Transaction Reports.

  • On the search page, enter any search parameters to locate the transaction (ex: date, last 4 of card, etc.). Click Search.
  • Once you have located the transaction, click on the magnifying glass icon to see the Transaction Details.
  • From the Transaction Details page, select either Refund or Void.
    • Void cancels a transaction that has not settled and is most likely the best option, if available.
    • If the transaction has settled, the only option will be to Refund.
  • On the next page, the gateway will prompt you to confirm the amount of the refund.
    • The default amount is the full transaction amount but this can be adjusted for a partial refund as necessary.
  • Select Process Transaction.

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